Environmental Reclamation Artist Angelo Ciotti
Tubs Project
Tubs Project, Large Image

Luzerne County, Wilkes-Barre, PA 1991-1994

The Tubs Rural Abandoned Mine Program (“RAMP”), is a program for land and water resources that were adversely affected by pre-1977 coal mining. The program is funded under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, by fees that coal operators nationwide pay on each ton of coal mine. The Soil Conservation Service of the USDA, which will entail earthmoving and re-vegetation of about 25 acres of highly hazardous strip mined land, located primarily within the 600 acre Luzerne County Tubs Nature Area. The Site is highly visible from routes #81 and #115 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The project will consist of four major earthworks: air, earth, water and fire. Each work layer will interpret the geological-through-industrial history of the site.